Mrs Negative

Mrs Negative embraces her tardy Positive. Life after IVF and loving the son I never thought I'd have.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Hub Bub

It was my first "Undies On" Ultrasound.
Can I just say: "So! Civilised! Wow!"
Although my pants didn't hit the jaw certainly did.
We saw and heard a real, jumping, beating baby today.
The tears rolled down my cheeks and into my ears and frankly that felt gross in a waxy, soggy kind of way...but I dealt with it and turned my attention back to that most wondrous vision.

Hello, 10 week fetus. How you doin'?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Blogger Topcat said...

Sweet, sweet heaven. Oh Mony I am so happy for you. What a beautiful photo.

Blogger Stacie said...

Oh Mony...that must have been the best moment! I got s little teary reading about it. I am so happy for you. The picture is amazing, too. Wow!

Blogger Thalia said...

so delighted for you, Mony. Just wait til you see him or her again in 2/3 weeks time - you won't recognise it!

Blogger Unknown said...

congrats Mony, how exciting!
Only 30-odd weeks to go... wooohooo

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such wonderful news! Huge congrats!

Blogger Gemini Girl said...

Yeahy! Isnt it crazy to see the baby getting larger and growing? How sweet! So excited for you!

Blogger Krista said...

I am so very happy that you are pregnant, this post made me teary too! I can't wait for the pregnancy to be over (I am impatient aren't I) and to see this beautiful baby in your arms!

Blogger singletracey said...

what a beautiful sight! How exciting!!

Blogger PCOSMama said...

Aw, I'm so jealous! Will you continue getting ultrasounds throughout the pregnancy? Such a beautiful sight!

Blogger Hopeful Mother said...

Even if you're not religious, I have to say...


So happy for you and your guy, Mony!!

Blogger Yetty said...

:) :) :) this is sunshine for a rainy day.

Blogger Dramalish said...

Just BEAUTIFUL! I think I see some Mony-like impish-ness in our little fella, too. And yes, I'm going with "fella." It's just a feeling.

Congrats, dear Mony. Enjoy every second. When I was pregnant, it seemed I would be pregnant forever- but it's insane how fast the time flies.

Blogger Lut C. said...

Look at that! Isn't it wonderful!

Blogger Gemini Girl said...

I like you too MONY! I was reading your whole blog at work yesterday- you look like you know how to have a good time!
Sometimes I ramble on and on in my posts not actually thinking that there are people across the world that are reading it. What a strange thought!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with D...hi there little fella - Aunty Kay has waited a long time for you to come along!!! Your Mama & I have partied hard for the past 15 or so years (no - can it be that long?), but she is soooo ready for spending the next 18 yrs at home with you!!! Can't wait for my first cuddle baby...

Aunty Kay xox

Blogger Mary Ellen and Steve said...

What a beautiful picture! Congratulations!

Blogger Pixxiee said...

OMG Mony - absolutely gorgeous! Tears in my eyes for you...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! It is such a miracle.


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