My Tribute to.....Mylanta

My innards growl all night and day,
Intestines...bowel in disarray.
Belching acid on the hour,Intestines...bowel in disarray.
...regretting what I did devour.
Indigestion! Oh so dire!
My Oesophagus! It burns like fire!
MYLANTA! ....mystic tummy fixer,
Chalky white, supreme elixir.
How I crave your offensive taste,
Spoonfuls gulped with messy haste.
You alleviate the torment well,
And rescue me from heartburn hell.
My trusty friend.... all bottled blue,
Sweet reflux slayer...I heart you.
I swear you are a dead set classic !!.
Some rep company has to pick that up for sure !.
Thanks again for the laugh !!
That was beautiful.
Apparently, mylanta can also be used on zits. You are supposed to dab it on and leave it over night.
Mony Mony! Do you want a job? You are a fantastic writer. The rhythm and rhyming in your poem is 10/10. I love it!!
Brought back memories actually ... I would call it "the Vienetta" - aka layer upon layer. One layer of food, one layer of Mylanta, etc.
:)) multi-telented you!!! does this mean a glass of milk doesn't work?
Sorry to hear that you're feeling reflux-y.
Yay to mylanta :)
I hate my.lanta, but I hate reflux even more. I needed to smile this morning -- thanks for the witty funny!
How moving.
That was great! I eventually skipped the spoons all together and gulped it from the bottle ;)
You totally crack me up lady!
So mylanta works? I hate this non-stop idigestion! I guess it's safe for us pregnant folk, I will buy asap. Thanks Mony! :)
i'll take any tips i can get on allies in that battle!
ohmyword. you are awfully funny, lady.
I'm impressed!
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