Royal Easter Show
Sydney-siders flock to the annual Royal Easter Show.
It's the same every year. Chaos. But I love going.

The crowds, the rides, the animals, the food. Kids plan weeks in advance which showbags they want.

It's a hideous rip off in so many ways. Everything cost 4 times more than it should....but still. It's FUN. This year Cooper was big enough to enjoy the Carousel. My voice went all high pitched as I loaded him onto a prancing stallion. "Ooooohh! who's riding a horsey?!!" We waved frantically to Nanny with each passing rotation (I waved...Cooper cantered) It was completely precious. The Easter Show has a whole new level of fun for me now, through my son. Next year perhaps he'll get his face painted, feed a piglet or demand the Dora showbag. Oh, sweet childhood. Embrace the days of innocence. My 14 year old cousin proclaimed that she'd rather be dead than wear a rain poncho, despite the frequent downpours. Not that long ago she was a Carousel rider too, waving to the crowd & not the least bit concerned about how her hair or lip-gloss looked. That's what I love about growing up with the Easter Show. At first you just ride the Carosel & grip your balloon, then you progress onto obnoxious air brush tattooed teenager, then pram pushing proud parent & one day you just go to admire the pickled fruit.
The memories are worth every grossly inflated cent.
Haha, I love your description!
when we go to carnivals, we expect to always spend more than we should. The hubby loves food from carnivals and fairs, even though it is probably the worst food he could eat. And the games....all to win a stuffed animal that costs $1. But to see the kids face light up, and the hubby' somehow becomes worth it...
Moni! I am so gla dthat you are still posting! He is getting big and he is by far beautiful! So happy for you! NOw, come out and play!
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