Travel Tales

We recently spent a week with my Brother & his family.

It was wonderful to experience their new lifestyle way up north. Home for them now includes wide, open grassy acres, Kookaburra's, surfboards, wandering cows and no great need for a watch. We immersed ourselves in the rural atmosphere. The ocean is close by. The night sky is dark & brilliant with stars. Cooper had a grand time with his cousins. He loved watching his Aunty & Uncle ride motorbikes. All the neighbourhood kids ride too. The flurry of action had him transfixed. He wasted no time gearing up in a helmet, boots & pants. He had found his Garden of Eden.

We miss each other alot, reconnecting with my neice & nephew was precious.

My nephew had trouble pronouncing Cooper's name when they were really little & much to our amusement he has always called Cooper "Buddy!" It's a nickname that has stuck, infact they are both referred to as "Buddy". It can be a little confusing for the boys, they don't always know which Buddy is being yelled at!
Look at him in that huge helmet!
He is getting so big! It's so fun to see him grow up through your blog - what a wee hunk he is turning into :-)
cute, cute...what a handsome little guy!!!! So glad you got some Family time , it looks like it was wonderful.
Bu bilgiyi ifşa ederek burada bir solucan kutusu açtığımı biliyorum ama bu gerçekten gerçek. ucuz uçak bileti
Bölge, Patara Plajı ve aile dostu Atatürk Parkı da dahil olmak üzere kilometrelerce uzunluğundaki kumlu plajları ve birçok sakin koyuyla, Türkiye'nin Akdeniz Mavi Sahiline açılan bir kapı olarak kabul edilmektedir. çeşme sakız feribot
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