
Oh, where did my happy blog go?
I am so pre-occuppied & tense.There is a tight, dark, ugly fist clenched in the pit of my stomach. Grabbing & choking every thought. My life cannot resume along it's prior, whimsical path until I lose this fear.
Amnio booked for Tuesday. Results can be fast tracked for the end of next week. Thanks you for all your support.
Amnio booked for Tuesday. Results can be fast tracked for the end of next week. Thanks you for all your support.
I can't wait for the old Mony to return.....I truly hate it here.
I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. I pray that the amnio brings good news... I'll be thinking about you!
Oh Mony, I miss the old you too. One more week of not knowing. I think about you every day.
I think about you too Mony. I hope it's ok for me to say that I believe you will have reason to be whimsical again soon. Bring on the whimsy. Hooray for freaking whimsicalness.
Just here and hoping (praying) that everything works out and you can get back to the whimsy on the double.
Oh Mony, I SO hear you. Good luck surviving until Tuesday. For me, wierdly enough, the wait has actually been easier AFTER the amnio than before. I hope that the wait isn't too bad. More importantly, I hope that your results are not just good, but spectacular. In fact, I hope that the geneticist includes a hand-written note saying "these are the best genes I've ever seen!"
Mony, I only just found you a short time ago. But I think you've kept quite a good attitude towards the situation. My wish for you is for next week to pass quickly and end with fantastic news. It's time for any sort of bad stuff to leave you the heck alone already!
I am just waiting and hoping (and dare I say praying) that you get good news on Tuesday.
Hugs hon. Hang in there...
And I thought nothing could be worse that the 2ww! Mony I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this. I will keep praying for you and Hef.
Mony... you and Hef are in my thoughts... I wish I could take you and distract you for a day!
Prayers and good vibes sent your way!
I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. I so hope that your amnio only brings good results. The waiting has to be torture. Please know that I am thinking of you. Hugs.
Mony- we all miss you! Please let us know what happens- we are all here to support!
Oh no.... I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I will keep my fingers crossed that the news will be good.
LUCK< LUCK< LUCK... I even have my toes crossed!
Sweetie hang in there.. all the best thoughts for you guys!!
I hope that time goes by fast and that you can get the result that will give your life back!!! I'll be praying and hoping with you
again, I thinking of you and sending some many good wishes to you that they must work.
ALL MY LUCK beamed right to you.
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