Mrs Negative

Mrs Negative embraces her tardy Positive. Life after IVF and loving the son I never thought I'd have.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Winner is Syd-en-ee

1: Are you a Sydney Girl?
2: Have you ever toyed with the idea of meeting other Sydney bloggers in real life?
3: Are you toying with the idea now that I've said it?
4: Are you a Toy? (Hee!)

I'm just putting this out there to gauge the level of interest..feel the vibe, etc.

Should we/Could we have a meet & greet "Sheila Lunch" in, for fun? Maybe?

I am proposing a tasteful, classy lunch & not a sleazy strip joint "Girls Night Out"....the picture was just to get the thought train processing....and evoke a giggle & a "Put it Away! Wanker!" attitude. I bags being the "Coordinator" eg: Bossy Boots (as if)
Tell me what you reckon.

I've also posted a new belly shot or two.
If you want to peek..... you know the drill....
Down you go......


Ha! I'm a Pilgrim!

Look what knitwear can do for you!
That is all. On yer way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well see in theory I AM a sydney girl but at the moment I am TRAPPED IN THE COUNTRY....

depending on when it happens tho Mony i would certainly be up for lunch. I'm not sure what that waiter was serving up though.

Blogger Topcat said...

HA HA HA!! I am LOVING that post .... and I'll be there with bells on - but only if I can borrow your lunchbox.

Seriously - sounds great. Wonder how many will be interested? Shall we all wear a rose in our lapels?I'll get there and be shy for all of ... 2 minutes.

Have a great week Mony xo

Blogger Topcat said...

ps. When Juan Antonio Samaranch really DID announce the winner was Syd-en-ee, I was captured by a news camera in Sydney, screaming, surrounded by strange boys, drunk as a fucken skunk. Which was fine ... except my mum was watching the news and SAW ME and I got in big, big trouble. Thanks Channel 9.

Blogger Unknown said...

Oh Mony, I'm in Melb... am so jealous....would love to catch up with you & OG

Blogger Topcat said...

Ummm, excuse me while I post comments all night - your belly shots ROCK!! Has Hef got the Playboy Bunnies in there with him or what? You look fantastic, glowing, happy ... PREGNANT! xox

Blogger Heather said...

Love the belly shots and the man hiney shot! It got my attention. Sorry I'm on the east coast of the USA, so I won't be able to join your lunch :-(

Blogger AshPash said...

Mony: Just checking in for the first time. Congrats on the good results from the amnio. Love the belly shots....they are so inpsiring! Just had our embryo transfer yesterday and I am enjoying some "required" bedrest with my laptop!

Blogger PCOSMama said...

Well hello Hef! You are certainly making your presence known! Mommy looks wonderful!

Blogger PCOSMama said...

Oh yeah, I'm also in the US so I will have to miss the lunch too. WAAA!!

Blogger Runergirl said...

Damn it! I live in the US, but cute belly shots!

Blogger heleen + rod said...

Right side of the planet, but still not close enough. Nice shots, nice now you are showing everybody can be happy with you. Do you have that women smile at you in the streets all the time?!

Blogger Sitting In Silence said...


You look Beautiful. So love your belly shots...

(Stamping my feet....I WANNA BE A SYDNEY CHIC !!!!

Ha Ha, Fab idea have a wonderful time you guys.

Blogger Dr. Grumbles said...

Well, not a Sydney gal, but I love the belly shots!

Blogger catherine said...

You look fantastic! I never can remember where I post so to answer yours in mine in case you do that too, the injection pic. is under the post-that's a lot of needles in the july archive. That is one hot hottie in that picture.

Blogger Pixxiee said...

That buzzy bee toy photo was aimed at me right?? Right!!!
Your belly shots are gorgeous. I just want to pat wee Hef. Give him a pat and cuddle for me!
As to lunch - oh my wouldn't that be fun. If you gave me enuff notice, and I got hubby to agree, maybe I could have a weekend in Sydney! I've got a mate in Blacktown I could stay with? Oh that would be soooo cool! Let me know!

Blogger JW said...

Aaaww, I'm not in Sydney!

You look great, nice tum tum!

Blogger Gemini Girl said...

You are so adorable! I love the relieved smile on your face! Thank GD Hef is fine!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look STUNNING!!! Fabulous boots.

Blogger Drew said...

Yall one hot momma!

Blogger Gemini Girl said...

Mony- Im having an NT screening on Friday. It's strange here inteh states, the doctors dont even bring it up unless you ask for one. I did- partly because of you. So I am going on friday. This is very scary! The doctor said that I don thave anything to worry about bec there is no history in my family and I am young- so here's to hoping. On a plus note- I get the results at the same time, so I dont have to wait.

Blogger Sarah said...

hurray for the belly shots! i'm so glad to see i'm not the only one popping at this stage b/c i'm freaking TIRED of people saying things like "are you sure it's not twins" when they hear how far along i am!

Blogger Smarshy said...

Hello there Mrs. Negative. Just wanted you to know that I'm still checking in on you. Glad to see all is well.

By the way - I was IN Sydney the day (night, actually) that those words were uttered..announcing Sydney 2000. I was in Circular Quay, it was 4:30 am, I was completely loaded, and I was 22 years old.

What I wouldn't give to be THAT GUY again.

Blogger Kir said...

You look gorgeous.....truly...beautiful :)

Blogger Binky said...

Oh, my. You look so beautiful! I wish I could hop hemispheres and join you for an evening out.


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