One Up

The Birthday Party was a riot! Cooper was enthralled with all the activity. Our loungeroom was full of presents, Cooper made a funny little "fffff" sound everytime he saw all the boxes. He stands up in his cot now. It is so amusing to greet each other eye to eye. He loves Dora. Alot.
Cooper has new tricks everyday. Clapping, dancing, waving, rousing on the dog & proclaiming "Uh-uh" before he does something mischievous. He uses little pincer fingers to place food into his mouth, trying whatever I offer. I love this age. He's my companion. My little friend. There's so much more interaction with a toddler. He says "Dad Dad Dad" husband asks him "Who's better Mum or Dad?" and of course Cooper knows only one answer "Dad!" Just wait until he can say "Mummy". For now I am referred to as "La" He bellows from the next room for me "L-aa! La!" He loves looking at photo's of himself. His nose crinkles & a toothy grin of recognition spreads across his face. "Who's that?" I ask. He knows darn well, La, that's Cooper.
Cooper plays the xylophone! One of his many lovely Birthday presents. He puts a toy phone to his ear, mimicking my actions. Ahhh, I just can't get enough of my busy boy.