Hip Hooray
I turned 37 this week. Birthdays are nice. I got spoilt. Cooper loves the Happy Birthday song. Don't all kids? Here he is singing & clapping "Hooray!"

My Mum gave me a pendant that belonged to my precious Nan. My Nan passed away when I was 14, she was exceptionally loving & adored by us all. It's lovely to wear something that once adorned her neck.
Mum also did a little photo album for Cooper. It has pictures of all his cousins, us, the dog and him. He absolutely loves it. He sits & studies each photograph before a flurry of page turning and then more careful studying. He calls his new little cousin "A Bubby"

We are going to see The Wiggles next month. I know Cooper will lose his little mind when he sees Dorothy the Dinosaur. He loves her.
My girlfriend & I are thinking about selling some of our craft at the Markets. I have been sewing alot lately. It would be a buzz to sell some of my handiwork. Here are some of the little sunhats I've made.