Recently Cooper had the opportunity to have his photograph taken with a couple of 1st grade football players. These guys are high profile (FAMOUS even!) in Sydney. It has been a thrill for us to have the rugged brunette live next door to my Aunty for the past few years. Sadly he is moving soon. We'll miss the sight of him mowing the lawn without a shirt, jogging back from the beach still wet & glorious. Seriously, I have never seen a more handsome man in real life. He is in peak physical form. Guns like nothing else. And would you believe he is even a really lovely man? He is totally devoted to his lucky wife & kids....this makes him even more attractive!

I always get a little star struck when I see him. Despite 18 stitches in his lip I still think he looks fabulous. Cooper was totally under awed....but when he grows up I'm sure he'll appreciate these photo's. I'll tell him how 2 famous Rugby League players picked him up, said "Hello Little Mate" and smiled for his semi-delirious, flustered mother.