Holi Daze
Holy Shit I love being on holidays.
The squalor, the loafing, the wet ponytail, the bare feet.
It is sublime.

We have been down South enjoying the beach & summer. Sleeeeeeeeping like imbecciles & drinking too much. From the bed in the Winniebago I watched Kangaroo's graze and scratch. I squealed at a wild baby bunny hopping, full of vermin cuteness. I listened to the rain through the night & ABC radio. Ate lollies for breakfast & a "Barry Sandwich" for dinner (Rissole straight from the open fire & chips squished between bread & lashed with BBQ sauce). I met dogs named Choco, Axle, Bingo & Roxy. I sat on the sand & watched my husband swim in his new Mambo boardies, hoping he didn't get taken by a Great White. I watched stingrays being hand-fed in a crystal blue bay & clapped at such a spectacle! I shoppped in gorgeous seaside towns. Buying important things like buttons, a painting & a second hand denim mini. I stood under a gigantic Morton Bay Fig tree & hugged an enormous branch that splayed majestically to the ground. It stood so wise & old. I soaked up it's history and wished it could tell a story or disclose one of it's many secrets.
The best part of my holiday is that I'm only half way done.
Goodbye 2006. Hello 2007.
May you be as delightful and delicious as a Barry Sandwich.