Not to everyone's taste.

When we visit my MIL at the nursing home, Cooper brings her great joy. Her 2 strokes have left her blind & mostly immobile. It's almost spiritual the way Cooper lays in her arms, completely still & unfussy for long stretches of time. She caresses his toes & kisses his head while murmuring baby talk. It's very therapeutic for her & brings great comfort to my husband. Cooper also proves very popular with the staff & other residents. Pushing him through the corridors little old men & women peer out of doorways & echo "Oh! A Baby! A wee baby! Hello!" We often stop to chat. Nursing homes can be so bloody depressing so it's nice to be able to brighten their day somewhat.
Tonight in his pram we passed a crooked old woman on her way back from dinner. She stopped her walking trolley & asked "Is that a boy or a girl?" I told her that his name was Cooper and that he was a boy.
"What's his name?" she asked.
"Cooper" I said, a little louder.
"What's his name?" she repeated.
"COOPER.." I said again, louder.
"Cooper?!' she scoffed. "Aww no..what did you call him that for??"
She shuffled on shaking her head. I heard her add "...he could do with some hair".
Ha! Ha! It was insanely funny. How could I be offended by such a crotchety old biddy? I may well have been her only conversation for the day! Bless her scattered cotton socks.