Sleep, not.
Oh, Cooper, Cooper, Cooper.

Shall we come clean and tell the internets that although you are indeed, are a turd when it comes to sleeping?
Will you not nap for an hour?
There's a good boy.
How about 35 minutes? No? Won't you even consider it? No? Absolutely not. If daytime sleeping is not your thing then will you not revel in the delicious-ness of a full night's sleep?
Would you let me tell you again how grand it would be for us both if you ditched the 3 hourly wail/feed-a-thon?
Shall I remind you that there's nothing to see at 3.00am except a shift worker returning home or bad info-mercials?
Why must you insist on exploring 3.00am?
Ditto 4.15am.
5.00am is no more exciting.
Believe me, I've been there plenty & it's a cold, desperate place.
Even with a hotdog.
Why do you wake? Is the soft glow of your night light too infuriating? Is your snuggle bed too cosy? Are your crisp sheets too comfortable? Is the lull of your music box too much to bear?
Come now child. You are 5 months old now. Surely big enough to shut-eye a full 10 hours?
Sigh. I'm not perfect, he's not perfect either (damn close) I am reading a self help book about crying/sleeping etc. We are both learning lots. Mostly techniques that bring us both to tears. There is still a long way to go. I know we can conquer this Cooper! Now stop roaring. Mummy's reading Chapter's 7 & 8...again. This time with her gritty eyes propped open with matchsticks.