What about another baby?
I know that life after infertility can still be a rocky road.
Many of us ponder the possibility of another child. A sibling for our miracle babies. Dare we dream?

Of course we dream. But for me personally, I think my IVF journey has finished. I always told myself that I would be happy with one child. Understatement. I would be completely, totally content with one child. If I could get one. I still feel that way. And for that I am thankful. The pain, longing & sadness of IF has disappeared from my life. It's a memory buried deep within.
A scar that's faded almost entirely. If we had frozen embryo's left over perhaps I would feel differently. I'm sure I would. Who knows if my desire for another child will surface again in the coming years? I suppose that bridge will be crossed if & when. For now, I cherish every second of my new life. Free from the harrowing, consuming hurt that IF brings.
I am "me" again.
I longed for "me" so often during our struggle. The carefree girl I was. Lost amid the brutal sadness.
A baby introduces so many things. Most importantly, it re-introduces you to yourself.
Hello Mony.
I missed you. Welcome back.

Stay right here, in this wonderful life of ours & long no more.