It happened.
Something I've been dreading.
Cooper had his first accident. Entirely my fault....a factor that made it all the more traumatic. I left him in his walker while I got dressed, foolish moron that I am.
He ventured on over to the gas HEATER....Oh My God. The scream hit me like a 1000 wild horses. The blood drained from my face as I sprinted to the lounge room. I knew right away. He was sitting right in front of the grille. Both his little hands were raised up, his face, oh man...he was screaming so much, he wasn't breathing.
I felt sick. I remember panicking, terribly. I whipped him out of the walker. I was saying "No! No! Nooooo!" I couldn't see where he was burnt... oh, mercy...there on his thumb & pointer finger! White hot marks! They progressed to blisters very quickly. I was lost in a whirlwind of worry, regret and awful guilt.
For about 2 hours he cried. Of course he did! My poor little baby! When he finally succumbed to his morning sleep I felt so relieved.
I sat on the lounge and bawled. Big heaving sobs! I couldn't believe I'd been so stupid. It could have been so much worse! The "what if's..." raced through my head. I rang my Mum. "Don't be too hard on yourself" she said sweetly. "He'll be alright, these things happen".
Yes, these things do happen! But it will never happen again!
I learnt my lesson at Cooper's expense. Now he looks at the heater with wide eyes. I shake my finger at the heater and say "Ouch. Hot. Uh-uh." He listens. And so do I. I know the months and years ahead will be filled with bumps, scratches & bruises. He's an inch from danger most of the day. Putting things in his mouth, rolling into furniture and pulling things off shelves (including a huge terracotta pot he lugged into his walker this week!)
It's all a part of growing and learning for Cooper. And it's all a part of being a Mummy for me. Let me soothe any hurt with cuddles and loving kisses. Here I am to dry the tears.
His and mine alike.