Alter Ego...
Sweet Boy has recently introduced his alter ego to the household. Holy....he be naughty!
Tantrums! Frequently!
Whining! Often!
Maybe it's teething.
Maybe he's exploring new boundaries.
Maybe he's just a tiny monster!

I have finally sought help for his constant night waking. We have a Karitane home assessment booked early next month. Cooper wakes on average 4 times a night. I haven't had a full night's sleep in 15 months & it's finally taking it's toll.
Bedtime is a battle. He cries & cries, standing up in his cot wailing until he vomits! I couldn't count how many hours I've spent on my hands & knees cleaning up cranky baby vomit. Little bugger!
I hope the Karitane co-ordinator knows what she's in for! Hee!
Other news includes the arrival of a precious new niece! My SIL was taken to the hospital in a flurry of super speedy contractions & before we could even gather our thoughts my brother was calling to declare little Ella had arrived! "She's adorable.." he told me. I scared Cooper with my excited high pitched squeals! Another little girl to sew for...and I wasted no time revving up the Pfaff!