Watch This..
I know it is widely frowned upon.
Parking the baby in front of the television.

I do not frown. If the Nick Jnr channel is considered my saving grace, then The Wiggles are officially the 8th wonder of my domestic world. Cooper sits transfixed for the entire dvd performance while I do all my morning chores. The songs...oh my lord they be catchy. I find myself belting out certain songs in the car, in the supermarket...checking the letterbox.
I ask Cooper "Can you point your fingers & do the twist?"
He can't.
But I, on the other hand certainly can! Look at me go! Pointy, pointy, pointy!!
Thank you Wiggles. The washing is done, the kitchen is orderly & my hair has been combed. I'll see you again around 5.30pm. You can bewitch the babe while I peel potatoes and stir the dinner pot.