I really,
really feel like we're doing IVF now.
I have my Puregon showbag chilling in the fridge and one shot already under my belt, literally.
Peter & I had an early start at the clinic today. We joined 4 other couples in the waiting room. All of us were there to collect our Puregon and have a D.I.Y. needle lesson. The blonde lady sitting opposite caught my eye. She dazzled me with a warm, friendly smile. I returned one & I think we both sensed some unity. It was a nice moment! We got called in one at a time. From my curtained cubicle & enormous recliner chair I could hear the woman next door hyperventilating
"Ohhhh....I can't do it!..Oww..Ohh". Then the nurse's reassurring voice chimed in "Yes you can, just take a few deep breaths, pinch the skin there, that's right! There! You did it! Well Done!"
Giving yourself a needle is a strange, intimidating concept. Even when the reward may possibly be your miracle baby, it ain't easy. I felt thankful that needles don't bother me. The idea of jabbing myself is not overly scary. I am not concerned about it hurting.... more than anything I am worried that I will do something wrong. I don't want to stuff this up! The Puregon Pen makes it easy enough, although the instructions for the trigger injection had me slightly rattled. I think I'll call on my girlfriend to administer that one. She's a Nurse! Bravo!
Each little step makes it so evident to me how incredibly brave IVF patients are. You endure so much on this path. Emotionally & physically.
With the needle lesson over, instructions memorised & Puregon cradled I made my exit. I trailed behind a petite Asian lady. She shuffled bare-foot down the corridor, clutching at her white hospital gown. She veered off left in front of me & I followed her path with my eyes. I was suddenly staring into a darkened, silent room. It was overflowing with instruments, sterile trepidation & masked nurses. Such an eerie setting. Then I realised that she was heading in for her egg retrieval. And
they were waiting for her. That quiet, clinical scene made my tummy fill with nervous butterflies.
And dread.
I may have broken into a run, I don't remember, but escape was foremost on my mind!
I am scared, actually
terrified of the retrieval. I know that when it's my turn to walk the hospital corridor in a white gown & barefeet it will be daunting.
But I can do it. I shall not dwell on that right now. I've still got 2 weeks to freak the fuck out over that. Poor Peter.
And finally, may I offer my Congratulations to Ova Girl? She's a modest one.
L'Eggs Up took out 1st place (Gold! Gold! Gold!) in the "Best of Blog" awards for the "Adoption/Infertility" category. I didn't vote due to cyber-ignorance.....nobody told me about these prestigeous awards, but I
would have voted for her had I known. So, shout out to you OG. It's official, you are endearing, witty, potty-mouthed, well dressed & globally adored. And she always takes the time to leave a comment
*hint, hint* Well Done.!