We Heart Cooper..

Oh child.
Seriously, your father & I are utterly smitten. Never in our wildest dreams could we have imagined a more divine creature, a more noisy, cranky, adorable babe than you. You completely govern our every move. Our eyes are tired, gritty slits. Our teeth unbrushed. Your mother has worn the same damn dress for 4 days in a row, only eliminating her bra because face it, you don't give a hoot about unsupported breasts.
Like the finest German engineered clock you rouse every 3 hours & deliver a deafening bellow from your cot. You are famished. Never was there a hungrier baby. I stagger to the kitchen in the wee hours with you perched upon my shoulder. Your breath a chorus of precious rhythmic squeaks in my ear. You grow more alert with each passing minute. Blue eyes scan the ceiling, admiring every shadow. Window fixtures have you enraptured as do lamps & finger clicking. You detest bibs. And baths. And lotion rubbed into your exquisite cheeks. You shriek during nappy changes but adore pram rides...especially to the local grocery store. You suck furiously on your dummy while revering the mirrored dairy cabinet...and I never enjoyed the chilled aisle so much in my life.