The Tortoise & the Hare
When battling infertility you get used to being patient.
You don't get a choice in this matter.
Even if you're hopeless at waiting you soon conform.
'Tis the only way. Infertility is a fusion of minutes, hours, months and years that drag by at a painful pace. You think ahead in time allotments of cycles. Nothing ever happens tomorrow. It's always next September...or after Christmas....or when my heart can stand to take another step. The future becomes blurry and it's a place you're sure you'll never arrive at.
It's so different here in "I'm Pregnant" land. It's strange how quickly things move along. It's an unfamiliar concept for an infertile. Imagine after 3 short months that there is progress. There are achievements & milestones....and they come seemingly without even trying. No pills, no needles, no bruises. You just sit back & watch the belly grow. You calculate the coming weeks & gasp when you realise you are already a third of the way through your pregnancy. In 6 months you'll have a baby in your arms (oh, pleeeease) 6 months? OMG. There is no time for procrastinating. Not a minute.
Can you remember back to the day your IF journey began? We all know the anniversary day of when we started ttc...imagine if your entire journey was only going to take 9 months instead of 36 or 50 or like me, 60 months?
Gestation is just 9 short, blessed months.
And after all the waiting endured, the lightening quick minutes of pregnancy are the sweetest gift.